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Fantasy NPC

Edwick Bailee

Human City Guard

“You can’t say that to me! My uncle is Sergeant of the Watch, so you best learn to mind yourself!”

Appearance: The first thing you notice about this slouching guard is his thick red hair. The left side is short, the right side, falling down past his neck, covers one side of his thin face. Tall and wiry, he sniffs, wiping his nose on his hand and continues to stare up at the sky. His thoughts are obviously somewhere else. All in all, he looks like he’d make a much better scarecrow than a member of the guard.


Personality: Edwick Bailee is his own worst enemy, his mind wandering to grand thoughts of the success and respect he longs for, rather than what he needs to do to earn them. He finds it much easier to complain about his lot in life while giving in to his lazy and self-destructive tendencies.


Motivation: I thought city life was supposed to be a lot better than this. Sure, my uncle got me into the Guard, but he won’t make me an officer. Why should other people have it easy, when it’s unfair for me?


Roleplaying Tips: Eager to lament to anyone who will listen, Edwick Bailee’s voice is high and a little scratchy. He is extremely self-conscious about his missing right ear, which he always hides with his hair.


Background: Bullied by his older brothers, Edwick left the family farm after a threshing accident cost him an ear. He was sent to his uncle in the city, Watch Sergeant Davon Bosh, who assigned him to the guard. Edwick has failed to impress and is close to losing his position despite his family connection. Edwick might have returned to the farm long ago if it hadn’t been for a certain halfling prostitute.


Traits: Foolish, Guard, Neutral, Oblivious, Tactless, and Unimpressive


Dark Secret: Edwick Bailee is romantically obsessed with the prostitute Clover Brightfoot, seeing her as often as he can, and has taken to stalking her when he’s unable to afford the pleasure of her company.

Plot Hooks
  • Clover Brightfoot, the object of Edwick Bailee’s one-sided affection, is planning to leave her brothel and the city, and he’s panicking. He knows she’s trying to run from her abusive procurer, and Edwick will stop at nothing to keep her safe and close. He wants to hire a group to help him break into the brothel and confront its owner, convincing him to be the one to flee the city if he wants to keep his life.    
  • Sometimes you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Feeling the pressure to secure his place in the city guard, Edwick Bailee is looking for any excuse to stop and detain anyone who might be breaching the law, even if they aren’t. Unfortunately, he’s now taken an interest in you and your companions.

  • Edwick harbors a strong resentment toward his fellow guardsman Caston Agosta, who seems to show Edwick up at every turn. If there were someone willing to take Caston out and get him so drunk he couldn’t report for duty the next day, Edwick would make sure that each of the rounds would be on him.


Edwick Bailee is a member of the City Guard and reports to Watch Sergeant Davon Bosh.


Edwick Bailee is assigned to patrol with guardsman Caston Agosta.


Edwick Bailee is the nephew of Watch Sergeant Davon Bosh.


Edwick Bailee is infatuated with the halfling prostitute Clover Brightfoot.

Bonus Content

Track NPC attitudes by putting plusses and minuses next to their names for each good or bad interaction with the PCs.


Enough minuses could generate a new, unexpected antagonist.


- PinkDiceGM

NPC Tips

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