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Fantasy NPC

Eska Nahele

Firbolg Druid

“Strength is not born in comfort. Only through suffering is a person’s heart refined.”

Appearance: Sitting in the corner of the cave is a large firbolg, huddled in a simple coarse dress. Her black hair is long and thick, piled up at her feet, and by the firelight, you can see feathers, pieces of wood, and small stone beads are woven into it. Light blue-gray fur covers her skin, thinning as it reaches her wide pink nose. Her ears are long and pointed, pierced multiple times with wooden hoops.


Personality: Eska prefers solitude and the natural sounds of the forest. She has few friends, and those she has are either fellow druids or others who hold the same connection to the land that she does. She embraces whatever hardships that life brings her way, considering them an opportunity for growth.


Motivation: Communion with nature comes at a price, but it’s worth whatever it costs to have that peace. The dragon is already changing the forest, destroying the balance. Something must be done.


Roleplaying Tips: Eska has a soft and lilting voice, almost speaking in a husky whisper. She has a fondness for shaping stone, making small totems or hollow drums that she plays with her fingers.


Background: It’s not unusual for firbolgs to become druids. It is unusual for them to leave their tribe for a life of solitude. Eska Nahele is one of these. Not content to marry and raise children in the tribe, she’s consecrated herself to the forest, joining a druidic circle of esoteric hermits and wanderers called The Wreath of Thorns, who seek enlightenment in nature through hardship, suffering, and isolation.


Traits: Divine, Intelligent, Neutral, Resilient, and Wise


Dark Secret: Eska’s younger brother is actually the son she bore at a young age, being raised by her mother. The boy’s father was the son of another tribe’s elder, killed while fighting a bugbear chief.

Plot Hooks
  • The Wreath of Thorns communicates once a year and so far, haven’t noticed Eska Nahele’s absence. The only person who has is the ranger, Alycia Martell. She’s discovered the remains of Eska’s home and has been searching the forest. If she sees you there, she’ll ask if you’ve seen any sign of her druid friend.    
  • Eska Nahele’s forest home was burned after she was ambushed by goblins and taken to the green wyrmling Gwyraendring as part of his horde. Over months she has befriended a goblin scout who has agreed to smuggle out her message. The letter is a folded piece of cloth, the writing stained into the weave. It is a cry for help, asking you to find warriors strong enough to slay the dragon and set her free.

  • Green dragons are masters of the forest and Eska knows that Gwyraendring will hunt her down easily if she tries to leave the lair. The only way she will be free is if the green wyrmling is dead. Should you enter the mine to confront the dragon, Eska will guide you through the dark tunnels and aid you with healing.


Eska Nahele is a member of The Wreath of Thorns, a druid circle of hermits and wanderers.


Eska Nahele worships Grenave, the deity of nature.


Eska Nahele is being held prisoner by the green wyrmling Gwyraendring and The Daggertooth Clan.


Eska Nahele has befriended the goblin scout Krick, hoping she will aid in her escape.


Eska Nahele is a friend of the half-elf ranger Alycia Martell.

Bonus Content

Track NPC attitudes by putting plusses and minuses next to their names for each good or bad interaction with the PCs.


Enough minuses could generate a new, unexpected antagonist.


- PinkDiceGM

NPC Tips

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