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Fantasy NPC

Osmand Pratch

Human City Guard

“My dear boy, let me put you at ease. Everything has been taken care of.”

Appearance: The human seated behind the desk is an older man, the signs of his age written on skin the color of stale paper. Two wisps of light gray hair tuft above his ears. He smiles warmly, his eyes focused and sharp, his hands clasped tightly in front of his mouth. Though he isn’t wearing armor, the insignia pinned to his black leather jerkin is that of the Commander of the Guard.


Personality: Commander Pratch exudes an air of calm but is forceful and decisive when the moment calls for it. He knows what it is to be a leader and to inspire those who serve in the lower ranks. He is a formidable strategist and well able to use the forces at his command with insight and efficiency.


Motivation: I have disappointed Master Thross and lost his favor. There will not be a second time. It will be I who ascend to the next circle, not another, and the city will be mine to control in his name.


Roleplaying Tips: Osmand Pratch wears a mask of friendliness to those he would manipulate, using his warmth as a shield. He pronounces his words crisply despite an old war wound on his throat.


Background: In his youth Osmand Pratch earned honor and distinction as a war veteran in the north and almost died in a particularly savage battle. It was after this near-death experience that he began to hear the whispers of Uldar Thross and was drawn into his service. As one of the higher members of the Cult of Cthadras, he has been placed in a position of power in the city to extend the cult’s influence.


Traits: Arcane, Cultist, Cunning, Evil, Guard, Intelligent, Lawful, Old, Persuasive, Slow, Villainous, and Wise


Dark Secret: Always covered, Osmand’s torso and arms are tattooed in an eldritch script which allows him to astrally project each night. He uses this power to gather secrets and confer with his master.

Plot Hooks
  • Any significant interaction or altercation with the City Guard may bring the party before Commander Pratch. He will jail the party if there is evidence or commend you if you have performed a service to the law. If he is significantly impressed he will offer to hire you and assign you to Watch Sergeant Bosh.

  • Whether brought to his attention by the Watch Sergeant or because you’ve been in contact with powerful members of the city, Commander Pratch has decided to spy on you during his astral forays for a time. He will watch and, if he decides your party is a threat, he will make plans to deal with you.

  • There is a holy power to the west that has been interfering with Commander Pratch’s astral projections. After months of investigation, he has discovered the remains of an ancient temple of light and vague references to a minor artifact of the faith. He believes this artifact is the cause and will pay an expedition to delve into the ruins to recover it, never revealing his true interest or his plan to destroy the object.  


Osmand Pratch is a member of the City Guard and serves as the Commander of the Guard.


Osmand Pratch is a member of the Cult of Cthadras, receiving orders from cult master Uldar Thross.

Bonus Content

Track NPC attitudes by putting plusses and minuses next to their names for each good or bad interaction with the PCs.


Enough minuses could generate a new, unexpected antagonist.


- PinkDiceGM

NPC Tips

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