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Fantasy NPC


Half-Orc Barbarian

“Don’t ‘friend' me, friend. I ain’t got no friends, no friends ‘cept one. Now, get.”

Appearance: You’ve seen them before, but this lumbering half-orc is a true monster. Dark twining tattoos cascade across his neck and arms like coiled snakes, breaking up leathery gray-green skin mottled with vicious scars. One broken tusk juts jaggedly from the side of his maw, the other remains wickedly sharp.


Personality: There’s nothing gentle about this giant, and Grish prefers to speak with his fists rather than words. Brooding and unpleasant, his anger can be dangerously explosive, and nothing seems to keep his inner beast in check except the sorcerer Luciana Proveaux. 


Motivation: I come from trash, and will probably be trash again before I die. Until then, I’m going to keep Luciana safe. She’s the only one who’s ever done anything good by me, and I owe her my life.


Roleplaying Tips: Grish rarely talks, unless it’s to insult someone. Most times, an intimidating growl or grunt says as much as he cares to. He sometimes sniffs the air like a feral animal, and always has at least one eye fixed on Luciana.


Background: Like many born in poverty, Grish joined a bandit gang in order to survive. Due to his uncommon size and strength, he thrived in that vicious world, until a year ago when he and a few others ambushed a swordsman and his female companion. The others were quickly killed, but she convinced the duelist to let Grish live, and then unexpectedly slit the human’s throat. Grish has been by her side ever since.


Traits: Adventurer, Intimidating, Mercenary, Neutral, Resilient, Strong, Tactless, and Ugly


Dark Secret: After a particularly brutal mauling by a pack of giant rats as a child, Grish has an intense hatred and fear of the creatures.

Plot Hooks
  • One of Luciana’s old admirers has been hanging around again, and Grish’s gut has a bad feeling. She’s told Grish not to him run off, but it’s a dangerous world. Grish would appreciate it if someone else did it for him.

  • Every so often, Grish can be found cracking skulls in an illegal fighting pit in the city. Luciana takes the bets and will pay out good coin for anyone that can last twenty-minutes with the raging behemoth.

  • This one’s dead simple. You’re at a seedy tavern, and you take a little too long looking over at Luciana. Grish doesn’t like when people look at Luciana, so he decides he’s going to rearrange your face.


Grish owes his life to the sorcerer Luciana Proveaux and serves as her devoted bodyguard.


​Grish is a member of the mercenary band, The Blackguard's Due.


Grish seriously dislikes the mercenary band's rogue Anson Martell.


Grish was a member of the same bandit gang as the bounty hunter Silverback and hates the hobgoblin.


Grish has fought the bugbear Qur in an illegal fighting pit in the city.

Bonus Content

Track NPC attitudes by putting plusses and minuses next to their names for each good or bad interaction with the PCs.


Enough minuses could generate a new, unexpected antagonist.


- PinkDiceGM

NPC Tips

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